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"Content-Type" content=
"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
4 <link rel=
"stylesheet" type=
"text/css" href=
5 <title>Namespace: System.CodeDom
8 <h2>Namespace: System.CodeDom
11 <p> The
<a href=
</a> namespace contains classes that can be used to represent the elements and structure of a source code document. These elements may be used to model the structure of a source code document that may be output as source code in a supported language using the functionality provided by the
<a href=
</a> namespace.
12 <p> For more information about using the CodeDOM to represent and generate source code, see the conceptual topic at
<a href=
"http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpguide/html/cpcongeneratingcompilingsourcecodedynamicallyinmultiplelanguages.asp">MSDN: Generating and Compiling Source Code Dynamically in Multiple Languages
13 <p> For a table that lists the CodeDOM elements by type and function, see the the conceptual topic at
<a href=
"http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpgenref/html/cpconcodedomquickreference.asp">MSDN: CodeDOM Quick Reference
16 <h3>Members of System.CodeDom Namespace
18 <table border=
"1" width=
"90%" style=
"border-collapse: collapse">
20 <th bgcolor=
21 <th bgcolor=
26 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeArgumentReferenceExpression.html">class CodeArgumentReferenceExpression
27 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a reference to an argument.
31 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeArrayCreateExpression.html">class CodeArrayCreateExpression
32 <td width=
"60%"> Represents an expression that creates an array.
36 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeArrayIndexerExpression.html">class CodeArrayIndexerExpression
37 <td width=
"60%"> Represents an expression that indicates an array and a specific index or indices.
41 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeAssignStatement.html">class CodeAssignStatement
42 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a simple assignment statement.
46 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeAttachEventStatement.html">class CodeAttachEventStatement
47 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a statement that attaches an event handler.
51 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeAttributeArgument.html">class CodeAttributeArgument
52 <td width=
"60%"> Represents an argument used in a metadata custom attribute declaration.
56 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeAttributeArgumentCollection.html">class CodeAttributeArgumentCollection
57 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a collection of
<a href=
</a> objects.
61 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeAttributeDeclaration.html">class CodeAttributeDeclaration
62 <td width=
"60%"> Represents an attribute declaration.
66 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection.html">class CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection
67 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a collection of
<a href=
</a> objects.
71 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeBaseReferenceExpression.html">class CodeBaseReferenceExpression
72 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a reference to the base class.
76 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeBinaryOperatorExpression.html">class CodeBinaryOperatorExpression
77 <td width=
"60%"> Represents an expression that consists of a binary operation between two expressions.
81 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeCastExpression.html">class CodeCastExpression
82 <td width=
"60%"> Represents an expression that is to be cast to a data type or interface.
86 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeCatchClause.html">class CodeCatchClause
87 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a catch exception block.
91 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeCatchClauseCollection.html">class CodeCatchClauseCollection
92 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a collection of
<a href=
</a> objects.
96 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeComment.html">class CodeComment
97 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a comment.
101 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeCommentStatement.html">class CodeCommentStatement
102 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a statement consisting of a single comment.
106 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeCommentStatementCollection.html">class CodeCommentStatementCollection
107 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a collection of
<a href=
</a> objects.
111 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeCompileUnit.html">class CodeCompileUnit
112 <td width=
"60%"> Provides a top-level object to use for compilation.
116 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeConditionStatement.html">class CodeConditionStatement
117 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a conditional branch statement, typically represented as an statement.
121 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeConstructor.html">class CodeConstructor
122 <td width=
"60%"> Represents the declaration of an instance constructor for a type.
126 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeDelegateCreateExpression.html">class CodeDelegateCreateExpression
127 <td width=
"60%"> Represents an expression that creates a delegate.
131 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeDelegateInvokeExpression.html">class CodeDelegateInvokeExpression
132 <td width=
"60%"> Represents an expression that invokes a delegate.
136 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeDirectionExpression.html">class CodeDirectionExpression
137 <td width=
"60%"> Represents an expression that indicates the direction type of the reference.
141 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeEntryPointMethod.html">class CodeEntryPointMethod
142 <td width=
"60%"> Represents the entry point of an executable.
146 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeEventReferenceExpression.html">class CodeEventReferenceExpression
147 <td width=
"60%"> Represents an expression that references an event.
151 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeExpression.html">class CodeExpression
152 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a code expression. This is a base class for other code expression objects that is never instantiated.
156 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeExpressionCollection.html">class CodeExpressionCollection
157 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a collection of
<a href=
</a> objects.
161 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeExpressionStatement.html">class CodeExpressionStatement
162 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a statement that consists of a single expression.
166 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeFieldReferenceExpression.html">class CodeFieldReferenceExpression
167 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a reference to a field.
171 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeGotoStatement.html">class CodeGotoStatement
172 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a statement.
176 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeIndexerExpression.html">class CodeIndexerExpression
177 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a reference to an indexer property of an object.
181 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeIterationStatement.html">class CodeIterationStatement
182 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a for statement, or a simple loop through a block of statements, using a test expression as a condition for continuing to loop.
186 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeLabeledStatement.html">class CodeLabeledStatement
187 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a labeled statement or a stand-alone label.
191 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeLinePragma.html">class CodeLinePragma
192 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a specific location within a specific file.
196 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeMemberEvent.html">class CodeMemberEvent
197 <td width=
"60%"> Represents an event member of a class.
201 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeMemberField.html">class CodeMemberField
202 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a field class member declaration.
206 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeMemberMethod.html">class CodeMemberMethod
207 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a declaration for a method of a class.
211 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeMemberProperty.html">class CodeMemberProperty
212 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a declaration for a property of a class.
216 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeMethodInvokeExpression.html">class CodeMethodInvokeExpression
217 <td width=
"60%"> Represents an expression that invokes a method.
221 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeMethodReferenceExpression.html">class CodeMethodReferenceExpression
222 <td width=
"60%"> Represents an expression that references a method on a specific object.
226 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeMethodReturnStatement.html">class CodeMethodReturnStatement
227 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a return statement.
231 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeNamespace.html">class CodeNamespace
232 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a namespace declaration.
236 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeNamespaceCollection.html">class CodeNamespaceCollection
237 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a collection of
<a href=
</a> objects.
241 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeNamespaceImport.html">class CodeNamespaceImport
242 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a namespace import directive that indicates a namespace to use.
246 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeNamespaceImportCollection.html">class CodeNamespaceImportCollection
247 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a collection of
<a href=
</a> objects.
251 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeObject.html">class CodeObject
252 <td width=
"60%"> Provides a common base class for most Code Document Object Model (CodeDOM) objects.
256 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeObjectCreateExpression.html">class CodeObjectCreateExpression
257 <td width=
"60%"> Represents an expression that creates a new instance of an object.
261 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeParameterDeclarationExpression.html">class CodeParameterDeclarationExpression
262 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a parameter declaration for a method, property, or constructor.
266 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeParameterDeclarationExpressionCollection.html">class CodeParameterDeclarationExpressionCollection
267 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a collection of
<a href=
</a> objects.
271 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodePrimitiveExpression.html">class CodePrimitiveExpression
272 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a primitive data type value.
276 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodePropertyReferenceExpression.html">class CodePropertyReferenceExpression
277 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a reference to a property.
281 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodePropertySetValueReferenceExpression.html">class CodePropertySetValueReferenceExpression
282 <td width=
"60%"> Represents an expression that represents the value argument of a property set method call within a property set method declaration.
286 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeRemoveEventStatement.html">class CodeRemoveEventStatement
287 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a statement that removes an event handler.
291 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeSnippetCompileUnit.html">class CodeSnippetCompileUnit
292 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a literal code fragment that can be compiled.
296 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeSnippetExpression.html">class CodeSnippetExpression
297 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a literal expression.
301 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeSnippetStatement.html">class CodeSnippetStatement
302 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a statement using a literal code fragment.
306 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeSnippetTypeMember.html">class CodeSnippetTypeMember
307 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a member of a class using a literal code fragment.
311 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeStatement.html">class CodeStatement
312 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a statement. This is a base class for other code statement objects that is never instantiated.
316 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeStatementCollection.html">class CodeStatementCollection
317 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a collection of
<a href=
</a> objects.
321 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeThisReferenceExpression.html">class CodeThisReferenceExpression
322 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a reference to the current local class instance.
326 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeThrowExceptionStatement.html">class CodeThrowExceptionStatement
327 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a statement that throws an exception.
331 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeTryCatchFinallyStatement.html">class CodeTryCatchFinallyStatement
332 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a try block, with any number of catch clauses and optionally, a finally block.
336 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeTypeConstructor.html">class CodeTypeConstructor
337 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a static constructor for a class.
341 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeTypeDeclaration.html">class CodeTypeDeclaration
342 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a type declaration for a class, structure, interface or enumeration.
346 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeTypeDeclarationCollection.html">class CodeTypeDeclarationCollection
347 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a collection of
<a href=
</a> objects.
351 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeTypeDelegate.html">class CodeTypeDelegate
352 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a delegate declaration.
356 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeTypeMember.html">class CodeTypeMember
357 <td width=
"60%"> Represents the declaration for a member of a type. Type members include fields, methods, properties, constructors and nested types.
361 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeTypeMemberCollection.html">class CodeTypeMemberCollection
362 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a collection of
<a href=
</a> objects.
366 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeTypeOfExpression.html">class CodeTypeOfExpression
367 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a expression, an expression that returns a specified runtime type.
371 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeTypeReference.html">class CodeTypeReference
372 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a data type to CodeDOM objects.
376 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeTypeReferenceCollection.html">class CodeTypeReferenceCollection
377 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a collection of
<a href=
</a> objects.
381 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeTypeReferenceExpression.html">class CodeTypeReferenceExpression
382 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a reference to a data type.
386 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeVariableDeclarationStatement.html">class CodeVariableDeclarationStatement
387 <td width=
"60%"> Represents a declaration of a variable.
391 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeVariableReferenceExpression.html">class CodeVariableReferenceExpression
392 <td width=
"60%"> Represents an expression that references a local variable.
397 </dl><br><b>Enumerations
399 <table border=
"1" width=
"90%" style=
"border-collapse: collapse">
401 <th bgcolor=
402 <th bgcolor=
407 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/CodeBinaryOperatorType.html">enumeration CodeBinaryOperatorType
408 <td width=
"60%"> Specifies identifiers for supported binary operators.
412 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/FieldDirection.html">enumeration FieldDirection
413 <td width=
"60%"> Specifies identifiers used to indicate the direction of parameter and argument declarations.
417 <td width=
"30%"><a href=
"types/MemberAttributes.html">enumeration MemberAttributes
418 <td width=
"60%"> Specifies member attribute identifiers for class members.
423 </dl><br><b>Namepace hierarchy
</b><br><ul class=
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666 Copyright (c)
2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.